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Sharpening filter like VirtualDub's WarpSharp. This filter tightens edges in an image by warping the image toward edge boundaries. For additional information take a look at the "the basic "warp sharp" algorithm" by Avery Lee.

Syntax and Parameters

WarpSharp (clip, int "depth", int "blur", int "bump", float "cubic")

clip   =
Input clip.

int  depth = 128
Warping strength.

int  blur = 3
Blurring passes on the edge mask. Higher values increase processing time. You must blur at least once, blur=0 causes artifacts.

int  bump = 128
Edge mask saturation limit; no pixel in the edge mask will have a value greater than bump. Reduce for less aggressive sharpening.

float  cubic = 0.6
Cubic interpolation coefficient. You don't need to touch this.


WarpSharp with default settings:

WarpSharp (depth=128, blur=3, bump=128, cubic=0.6)

External Links

Back to WarpSharp

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