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This feature is specific to AviSynthPlus.

It is not supported in other AviSynth versions.


These conversion filters are to allow filters that use 16-bit video in a pseudo-8-bit colorspace aka stacked (or lsb) and interleaved format to interact with AviSyth+ high bit depth formats aka HBD. They are intended to serve as a stopgap until more plugins appear supporting true high bit depth.


  • In Stack16 aka lsb, the picture is made of two parts: one containing the highest 8 bits (MSB) for each pixel, stacked on top of another containing the lowest 8 bits (LSB). it's used in Dither tools and many others.
  • both can be between 9-16 bits not only 16bit

Syntax and Parameters

ConvertToStacked(clip clip ] ) Accepts a 16-bit (HBD) clip and returns a stacked 8-bit clip.
ConvertToDoubleWidth(clip clip ] ) Accepts a 16-bit (HBD) clip and returns a Double-Width 8-bit clip.

clip  clip =
Source clip. Must be native 16 bit: YUV420P16, YUV422P16, YUV444P16, Y16.

ConvertFromStacked(clip clip, int bits ] ) Accepts a stacked clip and returns a HBD clip.
ConvertFromDoubleWidth(clip clip, int bits ] ) Accepts a Double-Width clip and returns a HBD clip.

clip  clip =
Source clip. Must be YV12, YV16, YV24 or Y8.
int  bits = 16
Bit depth of returned clip. Must match the original bit depth. see the 1st examples of both Stacked and DoubleWidth below.


Stacked / lsb

1st example,
## Decoding 10bit, YUV 4:2:0 source
## this is not needed nowadays since LSMASHSource added HBD support
## so nowadays only LWLibavVideoSource(<path>) will did the job
## but just for example, keep in mind that lsb is the slowest 
LWLibavVideoSource(<path>, stacked=true, format="YUV420P10")
## the line below is only if you need to down to 8bit
ConvertBits(8, dither=0) # '0' means on, '-1' means off

2nd example,
## some 16bit HBD clip here
Dfttest(lsb_in=true, lsb=true)
## Continue filtering with 16bit HBD

Double-Width / interleaved format

1st example (F3KDB can work with lsb but Double-Width is faster than lsb),
## this not needed since neo_f3kdb support HBD, but just for example
## 10bit clip here
ConvertBits(16, truerange=false) #convey 10bit clip on 16bit clip with truerange=false
F3KDB(Input_Mode=2, Input_Depth=10, Output_Mode=2, Output_Depth=10)

2nd example,
## 16bit clip here


20170310 r2440 first added
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