Filter SDK/SDK license

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License terms of AviSynth external filter SDK distribution

AviSynth External Filter SDK package (compilation) is Copyright (C) 2003-2013 Avisynth rev.2 Developers Team,,, It is released with NO WARRANTY and freely usable/distributable under terms of GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later. See full text of the license in gpl.txt file. It should have been included; if not, you may receive a copy at or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

Here are specific license terms of some parts of this package:

  • The header file 'avisynth.h' is a part of current release of Avisynth Copyright (C) 2002 Ben Rudiak-Gould et al. It is distributed under terms of GNU General Public License (GPL) and contains license exceptions giving you additional permissions besides those granted in the GNU GPL. Consult the license block at the top of the file for information.
  • "Writing Avisynth plugins" article is Copyright (C) 2000 Ben Rudiak-Gould. Whole AviSynth v1.0 was distributed under terms of GNU GPL. From Bens's message (not directly related to the article and sample code though): "...regardless of my moral/ethical views, I don't think I have any legal basis for restricting the licensing terms of these plugins (and I never intended to do so)...".
  • TwoFiveInvert, TwoFiveFastInvert, Limiter code samples, most other code snippets in this package are Copyright (C) 2003 Klaus Post ('sh0dan'). Distributed under terms of GNU GPL with additional permission: You may freely copy and modify these code samples and distribute resulting work under terms of your choice provided that this resulting work is independent module that communicates with Avisynth under conditions defined in avisynth.h license block.
  • Avisynth.def, avisynth.lib, and possible other extra files are distributed as part of current version of AviSynth Copyright(C) 2002 Ben Rudiak-Gould et al. under terms of GNU GPL.
  • Several versions of SimpleSample plugin source code are Copyright (C) 2002 Simon Walters and distributed under terms of GNU GPL.
  • Additiveblend code samples and some other texts (signed 'phaeron') about assembler optimization are Copyright (C) 2003 Avery Lee. License terms are: You may consider the text added by me to that article to be freely available for any use.

Any trademarks mentioned here are the property of their owners. To the best of our knowledge no trademark or patent infringement exists in this document or this distribution; any such infringement is purely unintentional.

In a case of some copyright or other questions, please contact us at or at Avisynth Development forum at

See SDK History for some details.

Appeal to plugin authors:

We invite you to distrubute your AviSynth plugins under 
GNU GPL license in the spirit of open source AviSynth project. 
Whole AviSynth community will help you in plugin development and improving.
To do it, simply place your copyright statement and GNU GPL license 
comment block at the top of your souce code (see SimpleSample code for example) 
and release your plugin with the source code (and gpl.txt) included.
(You may not act differently if your plugin contains some source code under GNU GPL.)

     With best personal regards,
     Avisynth rev.2 Developers Team,,

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