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ColorYUV(clip [, float gain_y] [, float off_y] [, float gamma_y] [, float cont_y] [, float gain_u] [, float off_u] [, float gamma_u] [, float cont_u] [, float gain_v] [, float off_v] [, float gamma_v] [, float cont_v] [, string levels] [, string opt] [, boolean showyuv] [, boolean analyze] [, boolean autowhite] [, boolean autogain] [, boolean conditional])


ColorYUV allows many different methods of changing the color and luminance of your images. It is present in AviSynth from version 2.5. All settings for this filter are optional. All values are defaulting to "0" or false. Gain, offset, gamma and contrast can be set independently on each channel.

gain is a multiplier for the value, and it stretches the signal up from the bottom. In order to confuse you, in the filter Tweak this setting is called contrast. That means that if the gain is set to 0, it preserves the values as they are. When gain is 256 all values are multiplied by 2 (twice as bright). If the gain is 512 all values are multiplied by 3. Thus if gain = k*256 for some integer k then Y becomes (k+1)*Y (idem for the chroma). Although it is possible, it doesn't make sense to apply this setting to the chroma of the signal.

off (offset) adds a value to the luma or chroma values. An offset set to 16 will add 16 to the pixel values. An offset of -32 will subtract 32 from all pixel values.

gamma adjusts gamma of the specified channel. A gamma value of 0 is the same as gamma 1.0. When gamma is set to 256 it is the same as gamma 2.0. gamma is valid down to -256, where it is the same as gamma 0.0. Note: gamma for chroma is not implemented (gamma_u and gamma_v are dummy parameters).

cont (contrast) is also multiplier for the value, and it stretches the signal out from the center. That means that if the contrast is set to 0, it preserves the values as they are. When the contrast is 256 all values are multiplied by 2 (twice as bright). If the contrast is 512 all values are multiplied by 3. Thus if cont = k*256 for some integer k (and zero gain) then Y becomes Y + k*(Y-128) (idem for the chroma). Although it is possible, it doesn't make sense to apply this setting to the luma of the signal.

levels can be set to either "TV->PC" or "PC->TV". This will perform a range conversion. Normally YUV values are not mapped from 0 to 255 (PC range), but a limited range(TV range). This performs conversion between the two formats. If no parameter is specified, no conversion will be made (default operation).

opt can be either "coring" or "" (nothing, default setting). Specifying "coring" will clip your YUV values to the valid TV-ranges. Otherwise "invalid results" will be accepted.

showYUV can be true or false. This will overwrite your image with an image showing all chroma values along the two axes. This can be useful if you need to adjust the color of your image, but need to know how the colors are arranged. At the topleft of the image, the chroma values are '16'. At the right side of the image, U is at maximum. At the bottom of the screen V is at its maximum. In the middle both chroma is 128 (or grey).

analyze can be true or false. This will print out color statistics on the screen. There are maximum and minimum values for all channels. There is an average for all channels. There is a "loose maximum" and "loose minimum". The "loose" values are made to filter out very bright or very dark noise creating an artificially low or high minimum / maximum.

autowhite can be true or false. This setting will use the information from the analyzer, and attempt to center the color offsets. If you have recorded some material, where the colors are shifted toward one color, this filter may help. But be careful - it isn't very intelligent - if your material is a clear blue sky, autowhite will make it completely grey! If you add "off_u" or "off_v" parameters at the same time as autowhite, they will not be used!

autogain can be true or false. This setting will use the information from the analyzer, and attempt to create as good contrast as possible. That means, it will scale up the luma (y) values to match the minimum and maximum values. This will make it act much as an "autogain" setting on cameras, amplifying dark scenes very much, while leaving scenes with good contrast alone. Some places this is also refered to as "autolevels".

conditional can be true or false (false by default). When set to false, it will make ColorYUV ignore any given conditional variables. See the "Conditional Variables" section for an overview of the conditional variables.

The quantities saturation, contrast and brightness (as in Tweak for example) are connected with quantities in this filter by the following equations:

cont_u = cont_v = (sat-1) * 256
gain_y = (cont-1) * 256
off_y = bright

A saturation of 0.8 gives for example: cont_u = cont_v = - 0.2 * 256 = -51.2. Note that in Tweak your YUV values will always be clipped to valid TV-ranges, but here you have to specify opt="coring".

Conditional Variables

The global variables "coloryuv_xxx" with xxx = gain_y, gain_u, gain_v, bright_y, bright_u, bright_v, gamma_y, contrast_y, contrast_u or contrast_v are read each frame, and applied. It is possible to modify these variables using FrameEvaluate or ConditionalReader.

For example:


Type float
Default 0.0

I 25 50 0.0 255.0
R 75 225 128.0
I 250 275 255.0 0.0

the script:

ColorYUV(cont_y=10, conditional=true)
ConditionalReader("coloryuvoffset.txt", "coloryuv_gain_y", false)

So up to frame 25 gain_y is equal to the default (which is 0.0), for frame 25 up to 50 the gain_y is increased from 0.0 to 255.0, etc ...

There are more examples of conditional modification at the ConditionalReader page.


# This will adjust gamma for luma, while making luma smaller and chroma U greater:
ColorYUV(gamma_y=128, off_y=-16, off_u=5)
# Shows all colors. Frame 0 luma is 16, frame 1 luma is 17 and so on:
# Recovers visibility on "very bad" recordings:
ColorYUV(autogain=true, autowhite=true)


v2.6 Added conditional option
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