AvsP is a text editor built for AviSynth,
a video scripting language.
Download the latest
version here
Sample screenshots: 1
3 4
version 2.0.2 (10/27/07)
- added numerous entries to function database
(contributed by Harukalover, danielkun)
- added ability to open multiple scripts in Open dialog
(suggested by Underground78)
- new syntax in extension templates for relative paths
(suggested by krisq)
- changed database editing for plugins to reduce
redundancy with short and long names
- fixed program hanging on text highlight (thanks
miamicanes, Harukalover, foxyshadis)
- fixed issue with translation messages (thanks zemog)
- fixed crash when deleting existing bookmark (thanks
- manually hidden sliders now stay hidden on video
refresh (thanks AlanHK)
- fixed minor bug with autocompletion and underscore
version 2.0.1 (9/16/07)
- improved automatic user slider construction
(suggested by AlanHK, bidmead)
- added line number traceback for macro errors
(suggestedy by foxyshadis)
- disabled error line highlight when line-by-line
update enabled (suggested by Zarxrax)
- added warnings to crop editor for invalid crop values
(suggested by AlanHK)
- brought back shortcuts for function definitions in
script menu (suggested by Alain2)
- added close all tabs function (suggested by
- added option to disable scroll wheel through tabs
(suggested by foxyshadis)
- added option to disable frames for each tab
(suggested by Harukalover)
- changed autocomplete to show single item lists
(suggested by Alain2)
- changed title for separate video window to full
script name (suggeseted by Alain2)
- fixed minor error when configuring shortcuts (thanks
RedDwarf1, krisq)
- fixed next bookmark function to always search forward
(thanks AlanHK)
- changed "True" and "False" in database to lowercase
(thanks AlanHK)
- fixed typo in options dialog (thanks AlanHK)
- fixed bug with manual activation of filter help
(thanks Alain2)
- fixed bug with macro functions GetWidth/Height and
zoomed video (thanks Alain2)
- fixed display issue with slider window and zoom
window fit (thanks rfmmars)
version 2.0.0 (8/29/07)
- fully automatic user sliders (enabled by default in
this release)
- added default presets for each filter (suggested by
- new "Tools" directory designed for AvsP plugins
(suggested by Rahima, Fizick)
- new resize calculator tool (suggested by chipzoller)
- new encoder tool supporting any command line encoders
(through presets)
- script tabs now keep track of their own frames
- added new side button to toggle sliders
- added reminder images in the script tabs when video
has focus
- added several new configurable text colors
- improved filter documentation filename searching
- added configurable web search for filter docs
whenever local docs not found
- changed external player to use original script
whenever possible
- changed program to open socket for single instance
check only when necessary
- improved rules for displaying calltips
- improved macros menu organization with submenus
defined by subdirectories
- improved SetBookmark() macro performance with large
lists (suggested by AlanHK)
- fixed calltip bug with parentheses inside string
(thanks niiyan)
- fixed calltip bug with filters with zero arguments
(thanks niiyan)
- fixed calltip bug with "Frequent calltips" turned off
(thanks Alain2)
- fixed asterisk on title bar in separate video window
(thanks krisq)
- fixed color customization to allow non-white default
background (thanks RedDwarf1)
- fixed open with unicode filename bug (thanks Zarxrax)
version 1.4.0 (6/5/07)
- fully automatic user sliders (experimental, turned
off by default)
- simplified translation update procedure (suggested by
- added option for single instance (suggested by krisq,
- added source extension filters to "Open..." dialog
(suggested by 3ngel)
- changed default filename to work with unknown
extensions (suggested by Zarxrax)
- opening an already opened file prompts for reload if
changes exist (suggested by Kuukunen)
- toggle scrap window now works when scrap window
focused (thanks AlanHK)
- changed error message when Avisynth fails to load
video (thanks lolent)
- added macro for setting bookmarks (suggested by
- sliders no longer generated on error clips
- improved filter calltips to work with script line
- added clear all text option for scrap window
- minor improvements to window layout code
- fixed translation import problem (thanks Henrikx)
- fixed bug with AvsP installed in directory with
unicode characters (thanks Aeolis)
- fixed display bug when resizing the script window
with separate video window (thanks Alain2)
- fixed several unicode bugs (thanks Zarxrax)
- fixed crash when avisynth output has no video
version 1.3.9 (5/5/07)
- remember the last saved image path (suggested by
- changed "Show calltip" to work when cursor is in
filter name (thanks AlanHK)
- changed editor to properly clear undo buffer when
loading a file
- merged windows xp and 98 versions
- fixed parity info reported by AvsP (thanks krisq,
- fixed crash when switching zoom modes (thanks Alain2)
- fixed unnecessary scrollbars with zoom "fit inside
window" (thanks foxyshadis)
- fixed unicode bug when saving script
- fixed unicode bug with recent file list (thanks
- fixed unicode bug with Avisynth install directory
(thanks Aeolis, foxyshadis)
- minor fixes to window layout code
version 1.3.8 (4/24/07)
- changed display code to retrieve frames directly from
Avisynth (contributed by tsp)
- highlight error line in script on error clip
- added new video zoom option to fit entirely inside
the window (suggested by Alain2)
- added "always on top" option for main window
(suggested by Alain2)
- added method to specify cursor position in filter
presets (suggested by krisq)
- allow for global variables in macros (suggested by
- remember last path when configuring doc path/url for
function help (suggested by Spuds)
- path to AvsP help directory now configurable
(suggested by Fizick)
- dump program error messages to both window and log
file for easier bug reporting
- fixed unicode error on startup (thanks Spuds)
- fixed unicode error on file open (thanks martino)
- fixed bug with avs2avi gui and spaces in avs filename
(thanks tony62)
- accurate yuv colors reported in video status bar
(thanks jmac698)
- minor fixes to window layout code
version 1.3.7 (3/07/07)
- make up/down/left/right video shortcuts editable
(suggested by Alain2, avid_avs_user)
- removed modifier restrictions for keyboard shortcuts
(suggested by avid_avs_user)
- allow language translation for Ctrl, Alt, Shift
(suggested by Henrikx)
- added menu items for trim selection start/end
(suggested by avid_avs_user)
- added ability to export/import individual filter
presets (suggested by krisq)
- added pixel position and color information to status
bar (suggested by nibbles, jmac698)
- added macro to get filter info from avisynth (needs
Avisynth 2.5.7+) (contributed by tsp)
- added ability to label user slider separators
(suggested by R3Z)
- added ability to free all script videos from memory
(suggested by foxyshadis)
- use the source filename as default in the file save
dialog (suggested by Zarxrax)
- updated extension-based templates with .dga files and
AVCSource() (suggested by unskinnyboy)
- added option to not prompt to unsaved scripts on
program exit (suggested by foxyshadis)
- added several help menu items linking to website
- improved subwindow layout management
- improved calltip displaying during window focus/motion
- minor changes to the display code
- fixed issues with syntax highlighting default style
(thanks Alain2)
- fixed bug with unicode characters in script (thanks
- added workaround for top-level variables in macros
(thanks tsp)
- fixed minor bug when switching from zoom fit to
regular zoom
- fixed several subwindow positioning issues
version 1.3.6 (2/20/07)
- saved files no longer lose user slider/toggle tag
info (suggested by foxyshadis)
- prompt to reload modified files when loading a
session (suggested by foxyshadis)
- added visual bookmarks along the video slider
(suggested by doxville, avid_avs_user)
- added trim selection editor (suggested by Zarxrax,
doxville, avid_avs_user)
- added option to not load bookmarks on startup
(suggested by avid_avs_user)
- added crop editor options to insert at cursor, copy
to clipboard (suggested by krisq)
- improved end of script detection for crop editor
- reorganized video menu for clarity (suggested by
- improved save image dialog with specific extensions
(suggested by foxyshadis)
- created windows 98 version (suggested by affter333)
- fixed crash when creating a new tab while crop editor
is shown
- fixed small bug on program exit with multi-monitor
setup (thanks foxyshadis)
- fixed several issues with syntax highlighting (thanks
version 1.3.5 (1/14/07)
- added more font and color options (suggested by
- added customizable keyword lists (suggested by Alain2)
- updated filter information with internal clip
properties and functions
- improved autocompletion for functions with no
- added several new macro functions
(ExecuteMenuCommand, GetBookmarkList, GetAvs2aviDir, GetSliderTexts)
- added slider optimization macro with complete genetic
algorithm implementation
- added option to associate .avs files with AvsP
(suggested by foxyshadis, JoeTF)
- fixed minor issue with potential conflicting keyboard
shortcuts (thanks Alain2)