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(AviSynth 2.6!!!)
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<p style="clear:both; margin-top:-3px; margin-bottom: 1em; font-variant: small-caps; text-align: center; font-size: 105%;"><!-- These should be fundamental categories -->  
[[AviSynth FAQ]] | [[Internal filters]] | [[External filters]] | [[AviSynth Syntax]] | [ Sourceforge] | [ Doom9 Forum]</p>
<div style="min-width: 700px; max-width: 1400px; margin: auto;">
<p style="clear:both; margin-top:-3px; margin-bottom: 1em; font-variant: small-caps; text-align: center; font-size: 105%;">
<!-- These should be fundamental categories -->  
[[AviSynth FAQ]] |  
[[Internal filters]] |  
[[External filters]] |  
[[AviSynth Syntax]] |  
[ Sourceforge] |  
[ Doom9 Forum]
== What is AviSynth? ==
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=== {{ReverseHeading3|Donations}} === __NOEDITSECTION__
Hello everyone! I have been hosting this wiki for a long time. I have been hosting it since around 2010 (from Richard Berg). Although the content is maintained by several people, and I'm very grateful for their time, the hosting costs a lot of money. If you are happy with the site, please make a donation! I would be very grateful and we can keep this site alive:
* You can donate by buying me a coffee:
* You can donate using PayPal:
=== {{ReverseHeading3|What is AviSynth?}} === __NOEDITSECTION__
AviSynth is a powerful tool for video post-production. It provides ways of editing and processing videos. AviSynth works as a [[frameserver]], providing instant editing without the need for temporary files.
AviSynth is a powerful tool for video post-production. It provides ways of editing and processing videos. AviSynth works as a [[frameserver]], providing instant editing without the need for temporary files.
AviSynth itself does not provide a graphical user interface (GUI), but instead relies on a script system that allows advanced [[NLE|non-linear editing]]. While this may at first seem laborious and unintuitive, it is remarkably powerful and is a very good way to manage projects in a precise, consistent, and reproducible manner. Because text-based scripts are human readable, projects are inherently self-documenting. The scripting language is simple yet powerful, and complex filters can be created from basic operations to develop a sophisticated palette of useful and unique effects.
AviSynth is free open-source software, and licensed under the [ GNU General Public License GPLv2].
AviSynth itself does not provide a graphical user interface (GUI), but instead relies on a script system that allows advanced [[NLE|non-linear editing]]. While this may at first seem tedious and unintuitive, it is remarkably powerful and is a very good way to manage projects in a precise, consistent, and reproducible manner. Because text-based scripts are human readable, projects are inherently self-documenting. The scripting language is simple yet powerful, and complex filters can be created from basic operations to develop a sophisticated palette of useful and unique effects.
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=== {{ReverseHeading3|New to AviSynth – Start Here}} === __NOEDITSECTION__
* '''[[first script|Your first script]]''' – A guide for total newbies.
* '''[[Getting started]]''' – An introductory guide.
* '''[[Grammar]]''' – An introduction to the AviSynth scripting language.
* '''[[Filter introduction]]''' – An introductory guide to most common AviSynth [[Filter|filters]].
* '''[[Script examples]]''' – Putting everything together in the real world.
* '''[[AviSynth FAQ]]''' – Answers to many common problems.
* [[More_about_AviSynth|More information]] ''(How does it work? When is it useful? Why no GUI? What applications work well with AviSynth?)''
* [[Guides]] – Guides explaining the basics, tips on specific conversion types and common tasks.
* [[Troubleshooting]] your scripts and configuration.
Interested? Download AviSynth from one of the links below, then scroll down to [[#New_to_AviSynth_-_start_here|New to AviSynth - start here]]!
AviSynth is free open-source software, under the [ GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)]
|style="padding:0.5em"|[[File:Overlay-example-lighten.png|104px|link=Overlay|Overlay: Lighten mode]]
|style="padding:0.5em"|[[File:Layer-example-lite.png|104px|link=Layer|Layer: Lighten mode]]
|style="padding:0.5em"|[[File:Overlay-example-subtract.png|104px|link=Overlay|Overlay: Subtract mode]]
|style="padding:0.5em"|[[File:Overlay-example-add.png|104px|link=Overlay|Overlay: Add mode]]
|style="padding:0.5em"|[[File:Layer-example-mul-rgb.png|104px|link=Layer|Layer: Multiply mode]]
=== Official builds ===
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=== {{ReverseHeading3|Download AviSynth}} === __NOEDITSECTION__
*'''Current Builds'''
::New features, backward compatible, native support for Unix-like OSes.
::[[AviSynth%2B|Wiki page]]
::[ Homepage (;]
::[ Latest release (GitHub)&nbsp;]
::[ Discussion] at
*[ v.2.6.0 ST, 32-bit] at [[SourceForge]]
*''Deprecated Official builds''
::[ v.2.6.0 ST, 32-bit] at [[SourceForge]]
=== Unofficial builds ===
*''Deprecated Unofficial builds''
::[ v.2.6.0 MT, 32-bit, author SET] <br>at
*[ v.2.6.0 MT, 32-bit, author SET] at
*'''Universal Installer'''
::Install&mdash;and quickly switch between&mdash;AviSynth versions:
::* Avisynth 2.5.8, 2.6.0, 2.6.0 MT, 2.6.1 Alpha
::* Avisynth+ 32-bit, 64-bit
::Get it [ here] at
=== Forks ===
*''Deprecated Multithread Version''
::v.2.5.8 MT, 32-bit, author SET, <br>[ discussion at]
::v.2.5.8 MT, 64-bit, author SET, <br>[ compiled by JoshyD at]
::[ AvxSynth] <br>AviSynth 2.5.8 running on Ubuntu 32/64.
*[ AviSynth+, 32-bit and 64-bit, author ultim] at Download: [] | Wiki page: [[AviSynth+]]
*''Old Bugs and issues''
::[[Known Issues v2.58|Known Issues in v2.58]].
::[[Known Issues|Known Issues in v2.60]].
*[ AvxSynth: a Linux port of AviSynth] AvxSynth is a native port of AviSynth 2.5.8 running on Ubuntu 32/64.
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=== {{ReverseHeading3|Script Syntax}} === __NOEDITSECTION__
''The official reference documentation.''
* [[AviSynth Syntax|AviSynth Syntax overview]]
** '''[[Script variables]]''' – How to declare and use them in scripts.
** '''[[Operators]]''' – Available operators and relative precedence.
** '''[[Internal functions]]''' – General purpose functions for math, logic etc.
** '''[[Clip properties]]''' – Properties such as Width, Height, Framerate etc.
** '''[[Control structures]]''' – Language constructs for script flow control.
** '''[[User defined script functions]]''' – How to define and use them in scripts.
** '''[[Plugins]]''' – How to load them (AviSynth, VirtualDub, VFAPI and C-plugins); autoloading and name-precedence explained. Most '''[[External filters]]''' are plugins; the rest are regular scripts.
** '''[[Runtime environment]]''' – Scripting on a per-clip frame basis.
** '''[[Function objects]]''' – {{AvsPluscon}}user defined functions as variables, capture external variables, use them in ScriptClip instead of stringified script fragments.
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=== {{ReverseHeading3|Filters and Utilities}} === __NOEDITSECTION__
*v.2.5.8 MT, 32-bit, author SET, [ discussion at]
* '''[[Internal filters]]''' – Included media [[Filter|filters]], organized by category.
* '''[[External filters]]''' – Hundreds of separately downloadable filters, organized by category.
*v.2.5.8 MT, 64-bit, author SET, [ compiled by JoshyD at]
=== Bugs and issues ===
A list of bugs which are present in v2.5.8 and 2.6: [[Known Issues]]. Most of the 2.5.8 issues are fixed in v2.6.
== Usage ==
=== New to AviSynth - start here ===
* '''[[first script|Your first script]]''' - A guide for total newbies.
* '''[[Getting started]]''' - An introductory guide for getting started with AviSynth.
* '''[[Script examples]]''' - Assorted examples for putting everything together in the real world.
* [[Filter introduction]] - An introductory guide to most common AviSynth filters.
* Some guides explaining the basic possibilities of AviSynth:
** [ Analog Capture guide]. The AviSynth part of the capture guide is about what filters can be used to enhance the quality of the capture. It discusses things like deinterlacing, denoising, cropping and resizing and color adjustment. Which makes it really useful to learn about some of the capabilities of AviSynth in a schematic way.
** [ AviSynth 101] [ mirror] - A guide by l33tmeatwad, it includes mostly current information on software setup, video basics, importing videos, handling audio, using filters and other useful information.
** [ Introduction AviSynth from]. A basic guide about deinterlacing, resizing and some other basic stuff.
** [ Introduction basic AviSynth filters from]. A basic guide about smoothers, rainbow removal, sharpeners, color adjustment and some other basic stuff.
* [[Troubleshooting]] your scripts and configuration.
* Read [[more about AviSynth]] ''(How does it work? When is it useful? Why no GUI? What applications work well with Avisynth?)''
=== Filters, external plugins, script functions and utilities ===
* '''[[Internal filters]]''' - The official list and descriptions of included filters, organized by category.
* '''[[External filters]]''' - Documentation of custom script functions and AviSynth v2.5x and v2.6 plugins.
* User pages hosted on this site:
* User pages hosted on this site:
** [ AviSynth Filter Collection - Warpenterprises]
** [ AviSynth Filter Collection Warpenterprises] 20250316: the names of the AviSynth 2.5 plugins are messed up, put 5F before 25 in the filename (thus for example instead of
** [ Fizick's AviSynth plugins]
** [ Fizick’s AviSynth plugins]
** [ vcmohan's Plugin Filters]
** [ vcmohan’s Plugin Filters]
** [ stickboy's AviSynth Stuff]
** [ stickboy’s AviSynth Stuff]
* [[Shared functions]] - Commonly used script functions.
* [[Shared functions]] Commonly used script functions.
* [[Utilities]] - A list of GUIs, command-line, batch and other AviSynth related utilities.
* [[Utilities]] A list of GUIs, command-line, batch and other AviSynth related utilities.
=== AviSynth Syntax ===
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=== {{ReverseHeading3|Scripting reference}} === __NOEDITSECTION__
''Beyond scripting basics''
* [[Scripting reference|Scripting reference overview]]
** [[The full AviSynth grammar]] – The AviSynth grammar revisited and explained in detail.
** [[The script execution model]] – The steps behind the scenes from the script to the final video clip output. The filter graph. Scope and lifetime of variables. Evaluation of runtime scripts.
** [[User functions]] – How to effectively write and invoke user defined script functions; common pitfalls to avoid; ways to organise your function collection and create libraries of functions, and many more.
** [[Block statements]] – Techniques and coding idioms for creating blocks of AviSynth script statements.
** [[Arrays]] – Using arrays (and array operators) for manipulating collections of data in a single step.
** [[Scripting at runtime]] – How to unravel the power of runtime filters and create complex runtime scripts that can perform interesting (and memory/speed efficient) editing/processing operations and effects.
* [[AviSynth Syntax]] - The official reference documentation.
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** '''[[Grammar]]''' - The grammar of AviSynth script language. An introduction to AviSynth scripting.
** '''[[Internal functions]]''' - Ready-made non-clip functions to use in scripts.
[[File:ChannelMixer_Before%26After.png|center|240px|link=ChannelMixer|ChannelMixer before and after]]
** [[Script variables]] - How to declare and use them in scripts.
<div style="text-align:center;">
** [[Operators]] - Available operators and relative precedence.
[[File:Maskhs.jpg|100px|link=MaskHS|MaskHS(startHue=105, endHue=138)]]  
** [[Clip properties]] - Functions that return a property of a clip.
[[File:Histogram audiolevels.jpg|120px|link=Histogram#Audiolevels_mode|Histogram(mode="audiolevels")]]
** [[Control structures]] - Language constructs for script flow control.
** [[User defined script functions]] - How to define and use them in scripts.
** [[Plugins]] - How to load plugins (AviSynth, VirtualDub, VFAPI and C-plugins), autoloading and name-precedence.
** [[Runtime environment]] - Scripting on a per clip frame basis.
* [[Scripting reference]] - Beyond scripting basics.
** [[The full AviSynth grammar]] - The AviSynth grammar revisited and explained in detail.
** [[The script execution model]] - The steps behind the scenes from the script to the final video clip output. The filter graph. Scope and lifetime of variables. Evaluation of runtime scripts.
** [[User functions]] - How to effectively write and invoke user defined script functions; common pitfalls to avoid; ways to organise your function collection and create libraries of functions, and many more.
** [[Block statements]] - Techniques and coding idioms for creating blocks of AviSynth script statements.
** [[Arrays]] - Using arrays (and array operators) for manipulating collections of data in a single step.
** [[Scripting at runtime]] - How to unravel the power of runtime filters and create complex runtime scripts that can perform interesting (and memory/speed efficient) editing/processing operations and effects.
=== AviSynth FAQ, Guides and Advanced topics ===
* [[AviSynth FAQ]] - Answers to many common problems.
* [[Aspect ratios|Aspect ratios explained]] - Introduction to aspect ratios (DAR, PAR, SAR), and how to use that for resizing your clip.
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* [[Guides]] - Tips on specific conversion types and common tasks.
=== {{ReverseHeading3|Advanced topics}} === __NOEDITSECTION__
* [[Advanced Scripting Tips]] - Using recursion, weaving 3 clips, and other programming tips.
* [[Advanced Scripting Tips]] Using recursion, weaving 3 clips, and other programming tips.
* [[Advanced topics]] - Chroma Upsampling Error, color conversions, hybrid video, motion compensation, and other advanced subjects.
* [[Advanced topics]] Chroma Upsampling Error, color conversions, hybrid video, motion compensation, and other advanced subjects.
* [[High_bit-depth_Support_with_Avisynth|High bit-depth (Deep Color) support with Avisynth]]
* [[Aspect ratios|Aspect ratios explained]] – Introduction to aspect ratios (DAR, PAR, SAR), and how to use that for resizing your clip.
* [[High_bit-depth_Support_with_Avisynth|High bit-depth ('''Deep Color''') support with AviSynth]]
== Development ==
|[[File:Downsampling_bilinear.png|center|180px|link=Resampling#Bilinear_resampler|Resampling: Bilinear upsampling]]
|[[File:Blackman.jpg|center|180px|link=Resampling#Blackman_resampler|Resampling: Blackman filter response]]
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=== {{ReverseHeading3|Development}} === __NOEDITSECTION__
* Want to [[get involved]]?
* Want to [[get involved]]?
* The [ official project].
* The [ official project].
* Learn how to [[Filter_SDK/Compile AviSynth|install compilers and setup environments]].
* Learn how to [[Filter_SDK/Compile AviSynth|compile AviSynth]], [[Filter_SDK/Compiling_instructions|AviSynth plugins]] and [[Filter_SDK/Compiling_instructions|console applications that access AviSynth]].
* Learn how to [[Filter_SDK/Compile AviSynth|compile AviSynth]], [[Filter_SDK/Compiling_instructions|AviSynth plugins]] and [[Filter_SDK/Compiling_instructions|console applications that access AviSynth]].
* Learn how to debug [[Filter_SDK/Debugging_instructions|AviSynth]], [[Filter_SDK/Debugging_instructions|AviSynth plugins]] and [[Filter_SDK/Debugging_instructions|console applications that access AviSynth]].
* Learn how to debug [[Filter_SDK/Debugging_instructions|AviSynth]], [[Filter_SDK/Debugging_instructions|AviSynth plugins]] and [[Filter_SDK/Debugging_instructions|console applications that access AviSynth]].
* [[Filter SDK]] - AviSynth plugin programming tips.
* [[Filter SDK]] AviSynth plugin programming tips.
* [[Avisynth Plugin Development in C]] - A tutorial to write a plugin with C.
* [[Avisynth Plugin Development in C]] A tutorial to write a plugin with&nbsp;C.
* [ AviSynth Developer Forum]
* [ AviSynth Developer Forum]
* The ongoing [[changelist]].
* The ongoing [[changelist]].
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* References to [[Image Processing Algorithms|image processing algorithms]].
* References to [[Image Processing Algorithms|image processing algorithms]].
== AviSynth Wiki ==
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Welcome to our MediaWiki. Feel free to pitch in and help out! We need your help to fill and improve our Wiki. Please see [ Localisation] and the [ User's Guide] for usage and configuration help.
=== {{ReverseHeading3|About This Website}} === __NOEDITSECTION__
We need your help to build and improve our site!
== AviSynth documentation copyright ==
*'''Editing''' is easy! Please see [ Editing pages] and [ Formatting].
*To port this site to '''another language''', please see the [ MediaWiki Localisation Guide.]  
*'''Filter and script authors''' – please see [ ''Submit your Documentation''] on, and the documentation template [[ExampleFilter]].
AviSynth documentation is Copyright (c) 2002-2015 AviSynth developers and contributors.
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=== {{ReverseHeading3|Documentation Copyright}} === __NOEDITSECTION__
AviSynth documentation is [[Avisynth_wiki:Copyrights|Copyright (c) 2002-{{CURRENTYEAR}}]] AviSynth developers and contributors.
Starting from 5 August 2007 the documentation on this site ( and is released under the [ CreativeCommons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License] (abbreviated by "CC BY-SA 3.0", see also [ full license terms]). More information can be found [[Avisynth_wiki:Copyrights|here]].
The contents of [] and [] are released under the ''Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License'' [ (CC BY-SA 3.0)].

Latest revision as of 21:37, 16 March 2025

AviSynth FAQ | Internal filters | External filters | AviSynth Syntax | Sourceforge | Doom9 Forum



Hello everyone! I have been hosting this wiki for a long time. I have been hosting it since around 2010 (from Richard Berg). Although the content is maintained by several people, and I'm very grateful for their time, the hosting costs a lot of money. If you are happy with the site, please make a donation! I would be very grateful and we can keep this site alive:

What is AviSynth?

AviSynth is a powerful tool for video post-production. It provides ways of editing and processing videos. AviSynth works as a frameserver, providing instant editing without the need for temporary files.

AviSynth itself does not provide a graphical user interface (GUI), but instead relies on a script system that allows advanced non-linear editing. While this may at first seem laborious and unintuitive, it is remarkably powerful and is a very good way to manage projects in a precise, consistent, and reproducible manner. Because text-based scripts are human readable, projects are inherently self-documenting. The scripting language is simple yet powerful, and complex filters can be created from basic operations to develop a sophisticated palette of useful and unique effects.

AviSynth is free open-source software, and licensed under the GNU General Public License GPLv2.

New to AviSynth – Start Here

Overlay: Lighten mode Layer: Lighten mode Overlay: Subtract mode
Overlay: Add mode Layer: Multiply mode Lenna

Download AviSynth

  • Current Builds
New features, backward compatible, native support for Unix-like OSes.
Wiki page
Homepage ( 
Latest release (GitHub) 
Discussion at
  • Deprecated Official builds
v.2.6.0 ST, 32-bit at SourceForge
  • Deprecated Unofficial builds
v.2.6.0 MT, 32-bit, author SET
  • Universal Installer
Install—and quickly switch between—AviSynth versions:
  • Avisynth 2.5.8, 2.6.0, 2.6.0 MT, 2.6.1 Alpha
  • Avisynth+ 32-bit, 64-bit
Get it here at
  • Deprecated Multithread Version
v.2.5.8 MT, 32-bit, author SET,
discussion at
v.2.5.8 MT, 64-bit, author SET,
compiled by JoshyD at
AviSynth 2.5.8 running on Ubuntu 32/64.
  • Old Bugs and issues
Known Issues in v2.58.
Known Issues in v2.60.

Script Syntax

The official reference documentation.

Filters and Utilities

Scripting reference

Beyond scripting basics

  • Scripting reference overview
    • The full AviSynth grammar – The AviSynth grammar revisited and explained in detail.
    • The script execution model – The steps behind the scenes from the script to the final video clip output. The filter graph. Scope and lifetime of variables. Evaluation of runtime scripts.
    • User functions – How to effectively write and invoke user defined script functions; common pitfalls to avoid; ways to organise your function collection and create libraries of functions, and many more.
    • Block statements – Techniques and coding idioms for creating blocks of AviSynth script statements.
    • Arrays – Using arrays (and array operators) for manipulating collections of data in a single step.
    • Scripting at runtime – How to unravel the power of runtime filters and create complex runtime scripts that can perform interesting (and memory/speed efficient) editing/processing operations and effects.

ChannelMixer before and after

MaskHS(startHue=105, endHue=138) Histogram(mode="audiolevels")


Advanced topics

Resampling: Bilinear upsampling
Resampling: Blackman filter response


About This Website

We need your help to build and improve our site!

Documentation Copyright

AviSynth documentation is Copyright (c) 2002-2025 AviSynth developers and contributors.

The contents of and are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License (CC BY-SA 3.0).

Personal tools