AviSynth+ x64 plugins

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All listed plugins are the latest version unless stated otherwise. Also take a look at the 64-bit plugins category page.

Category Filter Version Download Comments
Effect AddGrainC 1.8.3 GitHub
Adjust AutoAdjust 2.6 AutoAdjust-v2.60.7z
Crop AutoCrop 1.2 autocrop_3-14-2010.rar Compiled by Joshy D.
Unclassified AutoOverlay 0.2.1 GitHub introspected
Conversion AutoYUY2 4.0.0 GitHub Compiled by jpsdr.
Averaging Average 0.94 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015.
Unclassified AviSynthShader 1.6.5 GitHub
Logo removal AvsInpaint 1.2 GitHub Compiled with VS2019
Resizer/Format Conversion avsresize r5 avsresize_r5.7z
Support AVSTP 1.0.4 avstp-1.0.4.zip v1.0.1: avstp-1.0.1_x64.zip
Sharpener aWarpSharp2 2.0.1 GitHub
Audio BassAudio 2.4.10 BassAudio2410.7z - source Compiled by yo4kazu - BASS audio library for Win64
Restoration Bifrost 2.1.0 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019.
Restoration Checkmate 0.9 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012.
Multipurpose CLExpr 0.91 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013.
Denoisers Cnr2 2.6.1_avs26 cnr2_v261-avs26.zip Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. Compiled by Chikuzen.
Restoration CombMask 2.0.0 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019.
Resizer CullResize 0.1 GitHub
Unclassified DctFilter 0.5.1 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019.
Restoration DeBlock @9802e03 Avisynth-Deblock_299792458m_noAVX2req.7z 299792458m: performance optimized version; builds compiled with Intel C++ 19.2 without AVX2 requirement.
Restoration Decomb 5.2.4 decomb_5.2.4_x64.zip Compiled with Intel C++ Compiler XE 14
Restoration DeCross v2.0.0 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019.
Restoration DeDot v1.2.1 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019.
Duplicate Frame Detectors DeDup 0.17 DeDup-0.17-20210227.7z Compiled with Intel C++ 19.2.
Restoration DeFlicker 0.6 GitHub
Degrainer DeGrainMedian 0.8.2 DeGrainMedian64.zip - source Compiled by squid_80
Restoration DeJitter 14 Oct 2015 DeJitter64.7z
Logo removal Delogo 0.05a delogo_avs+.zip Compiled with Intel C++ Compiler XE 14.
Logo removal DelogoHD r2 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015.
Denoiser dfttest 1.9.6 GitHub
Source DGDecIM b50 dgdecim_b50.zip Requires license from DGDecNV
Source DGDecNV 245 dgdecnv_245.zip
Source DGDecode dgmpgdec2007.zip
Multipurpose Dither 1.28.0 dither-1.28.0.zip
Source DSS2mod avss_x64.zip
Restoration EdgeFixer r2 GitHub
Resizer/AA EEDI2 1.0.0 GitHub
Resizer/AA EEDI3 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2017.
Multipurpose EffectsPlus 25 June 2017 EffectsPlus.7z
Restoration ExactDedup 0.06 ExactDedup_25&26_x86_x64_dll_v0-06_20190215.zip
Unclassified ExInpaint 0.2 ExInpaint_x86_x64.7z Compiled with Intel C++ Compiler 19.00.
Debanding f3kdb 1.5.1 flash3kyuu_deband_1.5.1_x64.7z v2.0 prerelease (b98d6bc x86/x64): f3kdb-b98d6bc.rar - compiled with Intel C++ Compiler 2013. f3kdb-rev410.7z - compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013.
Resizer FCBI 1.0.1 GitHub
Source FFmpegSource 2.23.1 GitHub
Denoiser FFT3DFilter 2.6 GitHub 10-16bits/float support. Needs the 64-bit libfftw3f-3.dll to be in your System32 directory.
Denoiser FFT3DGPU 0.8.6 GitHub
Deinterlacing FieldHint 0.11 fieldhint.rar Compiled by Joshy D. Note
Restoration FillBorders 1.4.1 GitHub
Denoiser FluxSmooth 1.4 GitHub
Interpolation FrameRateConverter 1.2.1 GitHub
Color correction FredAverage 0.3 FredAverage_25_26_x86_x64_dll_v0.03_20190115.zip
Source FRIMSource 1.27 FRIM_x64_version_1.27.zip
Effect Fusion 5th March 2013 fusionx64.zip
Color correction GamMac 1.10 GamMac_x86_x64_v1.10_dll_20180615.zip
Debanding GradFun2db 1.0 gradfun2db_3-29-2010.rar Compiled by Joshy D.
Debugging Grid 21 Mar 2017 Grid64.7z
Support GRunT 1.0.2 GitHub
Uncategorized HealDeadPixels 1.0.0 GitHub
Support HDRCore 1.1.0 HDRCore.7z
Conversion HDRMatrix 1.0.0 HDRMatrix.7z
Effect HDRNoise 1.2.0 HDRNoise.7z
Sharpener HDRSharp 1.0.0 HDRSharp.7z
Denoiser hqdn3dY v1.0.4 Hqdn3dY- Modified by Rean.
IVTC IT_YV12 0103_width8K IT_YV12_0103_width8K.zip Compiled with Intel C++ Compiler XE 14.
IVTC Its r8
Resizer JincResize v2.1.2 GitHub
Color correction KelvinColorShift 1.0.0 GitHub
Denoiser KNLMeansCL 1.1.1e GitHub
Source LSMASHSource L-SMASH-Works Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019.
Multipurpose manyPlus 9 June 2021 manyPlus.7z
Masking MaskCrop 0.1.2 MaskCrop0.1.2.7z
Multipurpose MaskTools2 2.2.26 GitHub
Levels and Chroma MatchHistogram 2.1.1 GitHub Compiled with MSVC 2019 (Clang 9).
Blurring MedianBlur2 1.1 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019.
Denoiser MipSmooth 1.1.2 MipSmooth64.zip - source Compiled by squid_80 - discussion thread
Denoiser MosquitoNR 0.20 GitHub
Transform movePlus 9 Apr 2018 movePlus.7z
Source MPEG2DecPlus 1.3.0 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019.
Sharpener MSharpen 0.9 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012.
Interpolation MVTools 2.7.44 GitHub
Audio NicAudio 2.0.6 NicAudio2.0.5_x64.zip
Denoiser NirMalam 17 Oct 2015 NirMalam64.7z
Resizer/AA nnedi3 GitHub
Conversion PlanarTools 0.3.0 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013.
Resizer PointSize 0.2 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015.
Source RawSourcePlus 1.3.2 GitHub
Restoration ReduceFlicker 0.1.0 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019.
Range Processing RemapFrames 0.4.1-avs26 RemapFrames-0.4.1-avs26.zip Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015.
Restoration RemoveDirt 0.9.3 GitHub VS2019 and clang builds
Degrainer RemoveGrainHD 0.7 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019.
Resizer ResampleHQ r349 ResampleHQ_r349_110905.7z Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013. Compiled by l33tmeatwad [1]. Older version: ResampleHQ-v6.zip
Degrainer RgTools 1.1 GitHub
Borders and Cropping RoboCrop 1.13 RoboCrop_25_26_x86_x64_dll_v1.13_20200207.zip
Antialiasing SangNom2 0.5.0 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019.
Masking SCXvidMask 1.0 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012.
Resize SimpleResize 0.3.5 SimpleResize- Compiled with MSVC 2019 (Clang 10)
Adjust SmoothAdjust 3.2 SmoothAdjust-v3.20.7z
Deblocking SmoothD 0.0.9pre2 SmoothD_x64.zip
Deblocking SmoothD2 1.0.a3 SmoothD2-a3_x64.zip Compiled with Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015 Composer Edition for C++
Spatial Denoisers SmoothUV2 4.4.1 GitHub
Audio Spectrogram r7 Spectrogram_r7.7z Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2017.
Interpolation SVPflow
Denoiser TBilateral 0.9.11 TBilateral_0911_32_64.7z Compiled by Groucho2004.
Edges TCannyMod 1.3.2 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019.
Masking TColorMask 1.2.2 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012.
Restoration TComb 2.3 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019.
Unclassified TCPDeliver 0.2 GitHub
Deinterlacing TDeint 1.8 GitHub
Edges TEMmod 0.2.2 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019.
IVTC TIVTC v1.0.25 GitHub
Deflicker TimeLapseDF 1.0 TimeLapseDF64.dll
Masking TMaskCleaner 0.91 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012.
Masking TMM2 0.1.4 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019.
Denoiser TNLMeans 1.1 GitHub
Denoiser TTempSmooth 0.9.4 TTempSmooth_3-20-2010.rar Compiled by Joshy D.
Effects TxPlus 8 Mar 2017 TxPlus.7z
Sharpeners UnsharpHQmod @dacebe3 UnsharpHQmod_dacebe3_fp.7z Compiled with Intel C++ 19.2.
Source VapourSource 0.1.1 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015.
Denoiser VagueDenoiser 0.35.1 VagueDenoiser_0351_64.7z Compiled by Groucho2004.
Blurring VariableBlur 0.7 variableblur0.7_x86_x64.7z Compiled with Intel C++ Compiler 19.00.
Debugging ViewAudio 0.3.01 ViewAudio_x64.7z - source Compiled by yo4kazu.
Restoration Vinverse 0.9.4 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2022.
Subtitles VSFilterMod r5.2.2 GitHub
Unclassified WaterShed 23 Oct 2015 Watershed64.7z
Audio Waveform 0.3 waveform.zip Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. Compiled by `Orum.
Denoiser xNLMeans 0.03 xNLMeans_0.03_20160324.zip Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015.
Subtitles xy-VSFilter v3.2.0.804 GitHub
Deinterlacing yadifmod2 0.2.5 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019.
Conversion YV12To422 1.0.2 GitHub Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013.
Transform Zoom 20140216 Zoom.7z Compiled by Paser

More 64-bit filters can be found in the following sites but be aware that MOST of the plugins listed are outdated.