AviSynth+ x64 plugins
From Avisynth wiki
AviSynth+ |
All listed plugins are the latest version unless stated otherwise. Also take a look at the 64-bit plugins category page.
Category | Filter | Version | Download | Comments |
Effect | AddGrainC | 1.8.2 | GitHub | |
Adjust | AutoAdjust | 2.6 | AutoAdjust-v2.60.7z | |
Crop | AutoCrop | 1.2 | autocrop_3-14-2010.rar | Compiled by Joshy D. |
Unclassified | AutoOverlay | 0.2.1 | GitHub | introspected |
Conversion | AutoYUY2 | 4.0.0 | GitHub | Compiled by jpsdr. |
Averaging | Average | 0.94 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Unclassified | AviSynthShader | 1.6.5 | GitHub | |
Logo removal | AvsInpaint | 1.2 | GitHub | Compiled with VS2019 |
Resizer/Format Conversion | avsresize | r1g | avsresize_r1g.7z | |
Support | AVSTP | 1.0.4 | avstp-1.0.4.zip | v1.0.1: avstp-1.0.1_x64.zip |
Sharpener | aWarpSharp2 | 2.0.1 | GitHub | |
Audio | BassAudio | 2.4.10 | BassAudio2410.7z - source | Compiled by yo4kazu - BASS audio library for Win64 |
Restoration | Bifrost | 2.0 | bifrost-v2.0.7z | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013. Compiled by l33tmeatwad. |
Restoration | Checkmate | 0.9 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012. |
Multipurpose | CLExpr | 0.91 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013. |
Denoisers | Cnr2 | 2.6.1_avs26 | cnr2_v261-avs26.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. Compiled by Chikuzen. |
Restoration | CombMask | 2.0.0 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019. |
Resizer | CullResize | 0.1 | GitHub | |
Unclassified | DctFilter | 0.5.1 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019. |
Restoration | DeBlock | 1.3 | GitHub | |
Restoration | Decomb | 5.2.4 | decomb_5.2.4_x64.zip | Compiled with Intel C++ Compiler XE 14 |
Restoration | DeCross | v2.0.0 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019. |
Restoration | DeDot | v1.1.0 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019. |
Restoration | DeFlicker | 0.6 | GitHub | |
Degrainer | DeGrainMedian | 0.8.2 | DeGrainMedian64.zip - source | Compiled by squid_80 |
Restoration | DeJitter | 14 Oct 2015 | DeJitter64.7z | |
Logo removal | Delogo | 0.05a | delogo_avs+.zip | Compiled with Intel C++ Compiler XE 14. |
Logo removal | DelogoHD | r2 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Denoiser | dfttest | 1.9.6 | GitHub | |
Source | DGDecIM | b50 | dgdecim_b50.zip | Requires license from DGDecNV |
Source | DGDecNV | 205x | Requires license | |
Source | DGMPGDec | 1.5.8 | DGDecode_3-19-2010.rar | Compiled by Joshy D, some IDCT modes are missing. MPEG2DecPlus is recommended. |
Multipurpose | Dither | 1.28.0 | dither-1.28.0.zip | |
Source | DSS2mod | | avss_x64.zip | |
Restoration | EdgeFixer | 25 Mar 2019 | EdgeFixer.7z | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2017. |
Resizer/AA | EEDI2 | 1.0.0 | GitHub | |
Resizer/AA | EEDI3 | | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2017. |
Multipurpose | EffectsPlus | 25 June 2017 | EffectsPlus.7z | |
Restoration | ExactDedup | 0.06 | ExactDedup_25&26_x86_x64_dll_v0-06_20190215.zip | |
Unclassified | ExInpaint | 0.2 | ExInpaint.7z | Compiled with Intel C++ Compiler 19.00. |
Debanding | f3kdb | 1.5.1 | flash3kyuu_deband_1.5.1_x64.7z | v2.0 prerelease (b98d6bc x86/x64): f3kdb-b98d6bc.rar - compiled with Intel C++ Compiler 2013. f3kdb-rev410.7z - compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013. |
Resizer | FCBI | 0.0.0 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Source | FFmpegSource | 2.23.1 | GitHub | |
Denoiser | FFT3DFilter | 2.6 | GitHub | 10-16bits/float support. Needs the 64-bit libfftw3f-3.dll to be in your System32 directory. |
Denoiser | FFT3DGPU | 0.8.4 | GitHub | |
Deinterlacing | FieldHint | 0.11 | fieldhint.rar | Compiled by Joshy D. Note |
Restoration | FillBorders | 1.0.0 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019. |
Restoration | FillMargins | | FillMargins.7z | Compiled with Intel C++ Compiler 19.00. |
Denoiser | FluxSmooth | 1.4 | GitHub | |
Unclassified | FQPlus | 19 Mar 2017 | FQPlus.7z | |
Interpolation | FrameRateConverter | 1.2.1 | GitHub | |
Color correction | FredAverage | 0.3 | FredAverage_25_26_x86_x64_dll_v0.03_20190115.zip | |
Source | FRIMSource | 1.27 | FRIM_x64_version_1.27.zip | |
Effect | Fusion | 5th March 2013 | fusionx64.zip | |
Color correction | GamMac | 1.10 | GamMac_x86_x64_v1.10_dll_20180615.zip | |
Debanding | GradFun2db | 1.0 | gradfun2db_3-29-2010.rar | Compiled by Joshy D. |
Debugging | Grid | 21 Mar 2017 | Grid64.7z | |
Support | GRunT | 1.0.2 | GitHub | |
Uncategorized | HealDeadPixels | 1.0.0 | GitHub | |
Support | HDRCore | 1.1.0 | HDRCore.7z | |
Conversion | HDRMatrix | 1.0.0 | HDRMatrix.7z | |
Effect | HDRNoise | 1.2.0 | HDRNoise.7z | |
Sharpener | HDRSharp | 1.0.0 | HDRSharp.7z | |
Denoiser | hqdn3dY | v1.0.4 | Hqdn3dY- | Modified by Rean. |
IVTC | IT_YV12 | 0103_width8K | IT_YV12_0103_width8K.zip | Compiled with Intel C++ Compiler XE 14. |
IVTC | Its | r8 | ||
Resizer | JincResize | v1.0.1 | GitHub | |
Color correction | KelvinColorShift | 1.0.0 | GitHub | |
Denoiser | KNLMeansCL | 1.1.1 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Denoiser | KNLMeansCL | 1.1.1 | GitHub | compatibility rebuild for AviSynth+ 3.6 |
Source | LSMASHSource | L-SMASH-Works | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013. | |
Masking | MaskCrop | 0.1.2 | MaskCrop0.1.2.7z | |
Multipurpose | MaskTools2 | 2.2.23 | GitHub | |
Levels and Chroma | MatchHistogram | 2.1.1 | GitHub | Compiled with MSVC 2019 (Clang 9). |
Blurring | MedianBlur2 | 1.0 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019. |
Denoiser | MipSmooth | 1.1.2 | MipSmooth64.zip - source | Compiled by squid_80 - discussion thread |
Multipurpose | modPlus | 17 Sep 2018 | modPlus.7z | |
Denoiser | MosquitoNR | 0.10 | MosquitoNR_0.10_x64.zip | Compiled with Intel C++ Compiler XE 14. |
Transform | movePlus | 9 Apr 2018 | movePlus.7z | |
Source | MPEG2DecPlus | 0.1.2 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019. |
Sharpener | MSharpen | 0.9 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012. |
Interpolation | MVTools | 2.7.43 | GitHub | |
Audio | NicAudio | 2.0.6 | NicAudio2.0.5_x64.zip | |
Denoiser | NirMalam | 17 Oct 2015 | NirMalam64.7z | |
Resizer/AA | nnedi3 | | GitHub | |
Conversion | PlanarTools | 0.3.0 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013. |
Resizer | PointSize | 0.2 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Source | RawSourcePlus | 0.0.1 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019. |
Restoration | ReduceFlicker | 0.1.0 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019. |
Range Processing | RemapFrames | 0.4.1-avs26 | RemapFrames-0.4.1-avs26.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Restoration | RemoveDirt | 0.9.2 | GitHub | VS2017 and clang builds |
Degrainer | RemoveGrainHD | 0.5 | RemoveGrainHD_0.5_x64_bin.zip | |
Resizer | ResampleHQ | r349 | ResampleHQ_r349_110905.7z | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013. Compiled by l33tmeatwad [1]. Older version: ResampleHQ-v6.zip |
Degrainer | RgTools | 1.0 | GitHub | |
Borders and Cropping | RoboCrop | 1.13 | RoboCrop_25_26_x86_x64_dll_v1.13_20200207.zip | |
Antialiasing | SangNom2 | 0.5.0 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019. |
Masking | SCXvidMask | 1.0 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012. |
Resize | SimpleResize | 0.3.5 | SimpleResize- | Compiled with MSVC 2019 (Clang 10) |
Adjust | SmoothAdjust | 3.2 | SmoothAdjust-v3.20.7z | |
Deblocking | SmoothD | 0.0.9pre2 | SmoothD_x64.zip | |
Deblocking | SmoothD2 | 1.0.a3 | SmoothD2-a3_x64.zip | Compiled with Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015 Composer Edition for C++ |
Spatial Denoisers | SmoothUV2 | 2.1.1 | GitHub | Compiled with MSVC 2019 (Clang 9). |
Audio | Spectrogram | r7 | Spectrogram_r7.7z | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2017. |
Interpolation | SVPflow | | ||
Denoiser | TBilateral | 0.9.11 | TBilateral_0911_32_64.7z | Compiled by Groucho2004. |
Edges | TCannyMod | 1.3.2 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019. |
Masking | TColorMask | 1.2 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012. |
Restoration | TComb | 2.0 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013. |
Unclassified | TCPDeliver | 0.2 | GitHub | |
Deinterlacing | TDeint | 1.6 | GitHub | |
Edges | TEMmod | 0.2.2 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019. |
IVTC | TIVTC | v1.0.19 | GitHub | |
Deflicker | TimeLapseDF | 1.0 | TimeLapseDF64.dll | |
Masking | TMaskCleaner | 0.91 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012. |
Masking | TMM2 | 0.1.4 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019. |
Denoiser | TNLMeans | 1.0.3 | TNLMeans103_ICL.7z. | Compiled by Groucho2004. |
Denoiser | TTempSmooth | 0.9.4 | TTempSmooth_3-20-2010.rar | Compiled by Joshy D. |
Effects | TxPlus | 8 Mar 2017 | TxPlus.7z | |
Source | VapourSource | 0.1.1 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Denoiser | VagueDenoiser | 0.35.1 | VagueDenoiser_0351_64.7z | Compiled by Groucho2004. |
Blurring | VariableBlur | 0.7 | VariableBlur.7z | Compiled with Intel C++ Compiler 19.00. |
Debugging | ViewAudio | 0.3.01 | ViewAudio_x64.7z - source | Compiled by yo4kazu. |
Restoration | Vinverse | 0.9 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012. |
Subtitles | VSFilterMod | r5.2.2 | GitHub | |
Unclassified | WaterShed | 23 Oct 2015 | Watershed64.7z | |
Audio | Waveform | 0.3 | waveform.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. Compiled by `Orum. |
Denoiser | xNLMeans | 0.03 | xNLMeans_0.03_20160324.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Subtitles | xy-VSFilter | v3.2.0.802 | GitHub | |
Deinterlacing | yadifmod2 | 0.2.5 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019. |
Conversion | YV12To422 | 1.0.2 | GitHub | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013. |
Transform | Zoom | 20140216 | Zoom.7z | Compiled by Paser |
More 64-bit filters can be found in the following sites but be aware that MOST of the plugins listed are outdated.