AviSynth+ x64 plugins
From Avisynth wiki
AviSynth+ |
All listed plugins are the latest version unless stated otherwise.
Category | Filter | Version | Download | Comments |
Denoiser | AdaptiveMedian | 14 Oct 2015 | AdaptiveMedian64.7z | |
Effect | AddGrainC | 1.7.1 | AddGrainC- | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012. AddGrain v1.7.0 compiled with Intel C++ Compiler XE 14: AddGrainC_1.7.0_x64.zip |
Adjust | AutoAdjust | 2.6 | AutoAdjust-v2.60.7z | |
Crop | AutoCrop | 1.2 | autocrop_3-14-2010.rar | Compiled by Joshy D. |
Conversion | AutoYUY2 | 20150905 | AutoYUY2_20150905.7z | Compiled by jpsdr. |
Averaging | Average | 0.94 | Average-v0.94.7z | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Unclassified | AviSynthShader | 1.3.7 | AviSynthShader-1.3.7.zip | |
Resizer/Format Conversion | avsresize | r1a | avsresize-r1a.zip | |
Support | AVSTP | 1.0.3 | avstp-1.0.3.zip | v1.0.1: avstp-1.0.1_x64.zip |
Sharpener | aWarpSharp2 | 20160624 | aWarpSharp2-20160624.7z | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. Older version compiled with Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015 Composer Edition for C++: aWarpSharp_20120328_x64.zip |
Audio | BassAudio | 2.4 | BassAudio_x64.7z - source | Compiled by yo4kazu - BASS audio library for Win64 |
Restoration | Bifrost | 2.0 | bifrost-v2.0.7z | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013. Compiled by l33tmeatwad. |
Restoration | Checkmate | 0.9 | checkmate-x64.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012. |
Multipurpose | CLExpr | 0.91 | CLExpr-x64.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013. |
Denoisers | Cnr2 | 2.6.1_avs26 | cnr2_v261-avs26.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. Compiled by Chikuzen. |
Restoration | CombMask | 1.0.0 | CombMask-1.0.0.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Restoration | ContinuityFixer | 4fd4817 | ContinuityFixer.7z | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013. Compiled by l33tmeatwad. |
Resizer | CullResize | 0.1 | CullResize-0.1.7z | |
Transform | DeBarrel | 14 Oct 2015 | DeBarrel64.7z | |
Unclassified | DCTFilter | 0.5.0 | DCTFilter-0.5.0.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Restoration | DeBlock | 0.9 | Deblock-x64.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012. |
Restoration | Decomb | 5.2.4 | decomb_5.2.4_x64.zip | Compiled with Intel C++ Compiler XE 14 |
Degrainer | DeGrainMedian | 0.8.2 | DeGrainMedian64.zip - source | Compiled by squid_80 |
Restoration | DeJitter | 14 Oct 2015 | DeJitter64.7z | |
Logo removal | Delogo | 0.05a | delogo_avs+.zip | Compiled with Intel C++ Compiler XE 14. |
Denoiser | DeNoise | 14 Oct 2015 | DeNoise64.7z | |
Denoiser | DeSaltPepper | 14 Oct 2015 | DeSaltPepper64.7z | |
Denoiser | DeVeed | 14 Oct 2015 | DeVeed64.7z | |
Denoiser | dfttest | | dfttest- | Compiled with Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015 Composer Edition for C++: dfttest-1.9.4_x64.zip |
Source | DGDecIM | b50 | dgdecim_b50.zip | Requires license from DGDecNV |
Source | DGDecNV | 205x | Requires license. | |
Source | DGMPGDec | 1.5.8 | DGDecode_3-19-2010.rar | Compiled by Joshy D, some IDCT modes are missing. |
Multipurpose | Dither | 1.27.2 | dither-1.27.2.zip | |
Source | DSS2mod | | avss_x64.zip | |
Resizer/AA | EEDI2 | 0.9.2 | EEDI2_092_64.7z [1] | Compiled by Groucho2004. Compiled by Joshy D: EEDI2_4-10-2010.rar |
Resizer/AA | EEDI3 | | EEDI3_v0_9_2_1.7z | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013. See discussion. Older version (v0.9.1) compiled by tritical ( |
Multipurpose | EffectsMany | 14 Oct 2015 | EffectsMany64.7z | |
Restoration | ExactDedup | 0.03 | ExactDedup+Version+0.03.zip | |
Debanding | f3kdb | 1.5.1 | flash3kyuu_deband_1.5.1_x64.7z | v2.0 prerelease (b98d6bc x86/x64): f3kdb-b98d6bc.rar - compiled with Intel C++ Compiler 2013. f3kdb-rev410.7z - compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013. |
Resizer | FCBI | 0.0.0 | fcbi-0.0.0.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Source | FFmpegSource | 2.23.1 | FFMS2 | |
Denoiser | FFT3DFilter | 2.1.1 | fft3dfilter_64.7z [2] | Compiled by Groucho2004. Needs the 64-bit libfftw3f-3.dll to be in your System32 directory. Compiled by Joshy D: FFT3DFilter_3-12-2010.rar |
Denoiser | FFT3DFilter | 2.4 | FFT3DFilter-v2.4.7z | 10-16bits/float support. Compiled with VS2015 Update 3. Needs the 64-bit libfftw3f-3.dll to be in your System32 directory. |
Denoiser | FFT3DGPU | 0.8.2 | FFT3DGPU_3-15-2010.rar | The HLSL (shader program) file is edited from the original to adhere to pixel shader 3.0 syntax rules. Please make sure to place the correct file in the same directory as the 64bit plugin. Compiled by Joshy D. |
Denoiser | FFTQuiver | 14 Oct 2015 | FFTQuiver64.7z | |
Deinterlacing | FieldHint | 0.11 | fieldhint.rar | Compiled by Joshy D. |
Denoiser | FluxSmooth | 2nd December 2010 | FluxSmooth SSE DLLs.7z | Discussion thread |
Sharpener | FQSharp | 14 Oct 2015 | FQSharp64.7z | |
Unclassified | FQPlus | 30 Dec 2016 | FQPlus.7z | |
Interpolation | FrameRateConverter | 1.2 | FrameRateConverter-v1.2.zip | Discussion thread. |
Color correction | FredAverage | 0.01 | FredAverage64_0.01.7z | Compiled by Groucho2004 |
Source | FRIMSource | 1.25 | FRIMSource64.dll | |
Effect | Fusion | 5th March 2013 | fusionx64.zip | |
Color correction | GamMac | 1.07 | GamMac64_1.07.7z | Compiled by Groucho2004 |
Blurring | GBlur | 14 Oct 2015 | GBlur64.7z | |
Debanding | GradFun2db | 1.0 | gradfun2db_3-29-2010.rar | Compiled by Joshy D. |
Debugging | Grid | 14 Oct 2015 | Grid64.7z | |
Support | GRunT | 1.0.1a | grunt-x64.rar | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. Compiled by yesmanitsbearman |
Uncategorized | HealDeadPixels | 1.0.0 | HealDeadPixels-1.0.0-x64.zip | |
Blurring | HBlur | 14 Oct 2015 | HBlur64.7z | |
Support | HDRCore | 1.1.0 | HDRCore.7z | |
Conversion | HDRMatrix | 1.0.0 | HDRMatrix.7z | |
Effect | HDRNoise | 1.2.0 | HDRNoise.7z | |
Sharpener | HDRSharp | 1.0.0 | HDRSharp.7z | |
Adjust | HistogramAdjust | 18 Oct 2015 | HistogramAdjust64.7z | |
Denoiser | hqdn3d | 0.11 | hqdn3d_4-08-2010.rar | Compiled by Joshy D. |
Denoiser | hqdn3dY | 2016-02-13 | Hqdn3dY.7z | Modified by Rean. |
IVTC | IT_YV12 | 0103_width8K | IT_YV12_0103_width8K.zip | Compiled with Intel C++ Compiler XE 14. |
IVTC | Its | 0.8.6 | Compiled by putin999 | |
Resizer | JincResize | r44 | jincresize_r44.zip | Compiled with Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015 Composer Edition for C++ |
Color correction | KelvinColorShift | 1.0.0 | KelvinColorShift-1.0.0-x64.zip | |
Denoiser | KNLMeansCL | 1.0.2 | KNLMeansCL-v1.0.2.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Source | LSMASHSource | r8xx | L-SMASH-Works | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013. |
Masking | MaskCrop | 1.1.2 | MaskCrop0.1.2.7z | |
Multipurpose | MaskTools2 | b2 | masktools2-x64.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012. |
Multipurpose | MaskTools2 | 2.2.12 | masktools2-v2.2.12.7z (20180108) | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2017. |
Blurring | MedianBlur2 | 0.94 | MedianBlur2-x64.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012. |
Denoiser | MipSmooth | 1.1.2 | MipSmooth64.zip - source | Compiled by squid_80 - discussion thread |
Unclassified | modPlus | 30 Dec 2016 | modPlus.7z | |
Denoiser | MosquitoNR | 0.10 | MosquitoNR_0.10_x64.zip | Compiled with Intel C++ Compiler XE 14. |
Unclassified | movePlus | 30 Dec 2016 | movePlus.7z | |
Source | MPEG2DecPlus | 0.1.1 | mpeg2decplus-0.1.1.zip [3] | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Sharpener | MSharpen | 0.9 | msharpen-x64.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012. |
Interpolation | MVTools | 2.7.24 | mvtools-2.7.24-with-depans.7z | Older MVTools compiled with Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015 Composer Edition for C++: mvtools_2.6.0.5_x64.zip |
Audio | NicAudio | 2.0.5 | NicAudio2.0.5_x64.zip | Latest version is 2.0.6 |
Denoiser | NirMalam | 17 Oct 2015 | NirMalam64.7z | |
Resizer/AA | nnedi3 | | NNEDI3_v0_9_4_21_x64.7z | Compiled by jpsdr, discussion thread. Original nnedi3 v0.9.4 compiled with Intel C++ Compiler XE 14: nnedi3_0.9.4_x64.zip |
Conversion | PlanarTools | 0.2.0 | PlanarTools-0.2.0.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013. |
Resizer | PointSize | 0.2 | PointSize_0.2.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Source | RawSource26 | 20160528 | RawSource26-20160528.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Restoration | ReduceFlicker | 0.0.0 | ReduceFlicker_26-0.0.0.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Transform | Reformer | 14 Apr 2015 | Reformer64.7z | |
Range Processing | RemapFrames | 0.4.1-avs26 | RemapFrames-0.4.1-avs26.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Degrainer | RemoveGrainHD | 0.5 | RemoveGrainHD_0.5_x64_bin.zip | |
Resizer | ResampleHQ | r349 | ResampleHQ_r349_110905.7z | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013. Compiled by l33tmeatwad [4]. Older version: ResampleHQ-v6.zip |
Degrainer | RgTools | 0.96 | RgTools-0.96.7z | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Borders and Croppping | RoboCrop | 1.10 | RoboCrop64_1.10.7z | Compiled by Groucho2004 |
Antialiasing | SangNom2 | 0.35 | SangNom2-x64.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012. |
Masking | SCXvidMask | 1.0 | SCXvidMask-x64.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012. |
Adjust | SmoothAdjust | 3.2 | SmoothAdjust-v3.20.7z | |
Deblocking | SmoothD | 0.0.9pre2 | SmoothD_x64.zip | |
Deblocking | SmoothD2 | 1.0.a3 | SmoothD2-a3_x64.zip | Compiled with Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015 Composer Edition for C++ |
Transform | Spinner | 14 Apr 2015 | Spinner64.7z | |
Interpolation | SVPflow | | svpflow- | More information here. |
Edges | TCannyMod | 1.2.0 | TCannyMod-1.2.0.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Masking | TColorMask | 1.2 | tcolormask-x64.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012. |
Restoration | TComb | 2.0 | TComb_v2_0.7z | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013. |
Unclassified | TCPDeliver | 0.2 | TCPDeliver-x64.7z | |
Deinterlacing | TDeint | 1.1 | TDeinterlace_3-14-2010.rar | |
IVTC | TelecideHints | v1.1 | Telecidehints11.rar | |
Edges | TEMmod | 0.2.1 | TEMmod-0.2.1.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
IVTC | TIVTC | 1.0.9 | TIVTC-v1.0.9.7z (20170608) TIVTC_3-13-2010.rar 1.0.5 by JoshyD | 1.0.6: Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Deflicker | TimeLapseDF | 1.0 | TimeLapseDF64.dll | |
Masking | TMaskCleaner | 0.91 | tmaskcleaner-x64.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012. |
Masking | TMM | 1.0 | TMM_x64_20100603.7z - source | Compiled by yo4kazu. |
Masking | TMM2 | 0.0 | TMM2-0.0.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Denoiser | TNLMeans | 1.0.3 | TNLMeans103_ICL.7z | Compiled by Groucho2004. Slower version compiled by Joshy D: TNLMeans_3-20-2010.rar |
Effects | TransAll | 14 Oct 2015 | TransAll64.7z | |
Denoiser | TTempSmooth | 0.9.4 | TTempSmooth_3-20-2010.rar | Compiled by Joshy D. |
Effects | TxPlus | 8 Mar 2017 | TxPlus.7z | |
Source | VapourSource | 0.0.4 | VapourSource-0.0.4.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Denoiser | VagueDenoiser | 0.35.1 | VagueDenoiser0351_64.7z | Compiled by Groucho2004. |
Blurring | VariableBlur | 0.5 | VariableBlur05_x64.7z - source | Compiled by yo4kazu - Note: this version outdated, v0.7 is the latest version. |
Debugging | ViewAudio | 0.3.01 | ViewAudio_x64.7z - source | Compiled by yo4kazu. |
Restoration | Vinverse | 0.9 | vinverse-x64.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2012. |
Subtitles | VSFilterMod | r90 | VSFilterMod64.dll | Note: this version outdated, r111 is the latest version. |
Sharpener | WarpSharp | 2008 | warpsharp64.zip | |
Unclassified | WaterShed | 23 Oct 2015 | Watershed64.7z | |
Audio | Waveform | 0.3 | waveform.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. Compiled by `Orum. |
Denoiser | xNLMeans | 0.03 | xNLMeans_0.03_20160324.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Subtitles | xy-VSFilter | | XySubFilter_3.1.0.746_x64_BETA3.zip | |
Deinterlacing | yadif | 1.7 | yadif_1.7_x64_asm.zip | Compiled with Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015 Composer Edition for C++. |
Deinterlacing | yadifmod | 1.0 | yadifmod_x64.zip | Compiled with Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015 Composer Edition for C++. |
Deinterlacing | yadifmod2 | 0.0.3 | yadifmod2-0.0.3.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015. |
Conversion | YV12to422 | 1.0.2 | YV12To422-1.0.2.zip | Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013. |
Transform | Zoom | 20140216 | Zoom.7z | Compiled by Paser |
More 64-bit filters can be found in the following sites but be aware that some of the plugins listed are outdated.